When it comes to gated content and ungated content, many people have a lot to say about the benefits and drawbacks of each. Gated content requires readers to submit their personal information in order to access the content; ungated content is free to anyone without that added requirement. While most deliberate over which kind of content best serves the content creators, we’re not here to discuss that today. Instead, we would like to give you a brief summary of the benefits of both gated and ungated content; we’ve found that each can help you market in different ways.
The Benefits of Gated Content:
Some people shy away from investing in gated content because they don’t want to exchange their information for access. However, those who do sign up to access gated content are the people you know are truly invested in what you have to offer them. This can help you pinpoint your target audience easily and develop serious leads.
By creating gated content, you’ll find your marketing niche. The information readers exchange for access to your gated content will show you which leads are most serious about the services you have to offer. You’ll also find out what your readers want most from you depending on how they interact with your gated content.
Regardless of whatever kind of content you’re offering, if you gate your content your readers will perceive it as being very valuable. Most potential readers will offer their information in exchange for your content because they believe it must hold something of high value to you. Gating your content can effectively help you create an authoritative impression with leads and prospects.
The Benefits of Ungated Content:
Ungated content is readily accessible, which means that all anyone has to do is click a link to read your content. Although this doesn’t help you gather specific information on your readership, it can help you increase the numbers of your following.
One of the best features of ungated content is how easy it is to share it. One person might read your content and then go on to post a link on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or any other social media platform. They might also email it to people they think will be specifically interested in your content.
Because ungated content can be accessed and shared so quickly, it generally ranks well with search engines. Regularly producing ungated content will help improve your SEO ratings.
You shouldn’t have to make any ultimatums when choosing whether to make your content gated or ungated. However, we know that making these decisions can still be difficult. If you have questions about when to gate your content, contact us at Starkmedia. We’re here to help you manage your content and want to assist you in creating content that will reach your audience.