4 Reasons Why Your Website Needs a Blog

If you’re a company on a budget, blogging generally falls into the “Is it necessary? Maybe not right now” category. You’re probably thinking about the time, money, and upkeep that would come with a blog, and writing it off as an unnecessary burden. However, if done correctly, blogging can enhance customer and industry perception, increase SEO performance, and provide a plethora of social media content that links back to your website. Here are the top four reasons why your website could benefit from having a blog:

1. A blog gives you content to share on social media

Having multiple social media accounts, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, has become a crucial part of every digital marketing strategy. Not only does a blog provide original and relevant content for all of your social platforms, but it also drives traffic back to your website. Bonus: If still relevant, a blog post can be reused for future social content.

2. A blog humanizes your brand

Your customers are used to hearing you speak about your products and services in a professional, persuasive manner. A blog gives your website viewers the opportunity to get to know you on a deeper, more personal level. This is a space where you can have a little more fun with your brand, share your opinions, and provide a “behind the scenes” look into your company. 

3. A blog gives you industry credibility

Not only does maintaining a blog give your brand a more conversational, personable voice, but it also positions you as an expert in your field. Having a consistent and well-written blog tells all of your customers, competitors, and employees that your company is a credible source that keeps up with industry innovations and developments.

4. A blog increases your SEO performance

When most people think of making their website optimized for search, they think of the technical aspects such as enhancing metadata and URLs. However, if you stay up-to-date with the latest news in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), then you know that the future of SEO lies in having a lot of rich, relevant content on your site. What better way to constantly be adding fresh content to your website than with a blog? Because Google praises websites with both robust and consistent content, a blog section kills two SEO birds with one stone.

Are you looking to get a blog integrated onto your site, or in need of a blog update? At Starkmedia, we have content experts who can do everything from curate topic ideas to help write content for your brand. Contact Starkmedia today to learn more.