Tyler Hillstrom Promoted to Senior Account Executive

  Starkmedia is pleased to announce that Business Development Strategist Tyler Hillstrom has been promoted to Senior Account Executive. Tyler will be transitioning from his role as the Business Development Strategist at Starkmedia where he worked identifying marketing strategies and integrations for new and existing clients. Prior to joining Starkmedia in 2014, Tyler worked in …

Improve Your Reach with Social Integration

By now, you’ve seen plenty of evidence that social media is a valuable tool for increasing awareness, driving site traffic, and even increasing conversions. However, many brands miss out on a huge part of the value of social by failing to properly integrate it into their websites. Here are our top 4 tips for integrating social media into your website:

Segmentation Matters: 4 Ways You Can Segment Your Email List Right Now

48% of marketers are not using email segmentation. That means that one of the most effective tools for driving conversions is woefully underutilized. Personalized email campaigns can be a much more effective way to drive action from users. By narrowing your focus and sending messages to targeted groups, your recipients are more likely to engage with your campaigns because they are more relevant to their needs, interests, and behaviors.