Information Architecture

Facilitating intuitive interaction between your users and your content.

Effective Structural Information Architure

A clear website architecture ensures your visitors have fast, efficient access to the information they are seeking and creates a pleasant user experience along the way.

We make sure your site is structured in a way that facilitates intuitive interaction between your users and your content. Planning out the Site Map and Navigation is crucial to constructing the vision. Once established, we then provide guidance through Content Organization and SEO Strategy.

Content Analysis

Great digital content is absolutely essential for success in the online world. However, it’s not enough to simply have a clear message if the words used and relationships between topics do not sync up with the terminology your audience is searching for.

By understanding the keywords used by your audience when searching for your products and services and organizing content effectively with proper internal linking, Starkmedia can give you a leg up in the war on natural search optimization.

Architecture and Wireframing

A clear hierarchy of site sections and topics is crucial in creating simple navigation and a great user experience. To understand how your content translates into pages and posts on the web, your first step should be the creation of sitemap and wireframing documentation encapsulating all content to be included within your site.

Our staff of user-experience experts can craft simple-to-understand structural outlines of your site and make recommendations before the distraction of a design layer is applied. This process is invaluable in determining issues with content and flow as well as can prevent budget-draining revision work in later phases of development.

Get Started

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316 north milwaukee street, suite 440, milwaukee, wisconsin 53202 414-226-2710 a digital agency

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